Hi! I’m John Bowers and I’m a dad (and husband!) who loves to cook and eat good food! As I realized how much I liked to eat good food I realized I loved cooking it too! And slowly I began to realize the food I was cooking was almost always better than the food I was buying when I was going out. I’ve toyed with starting a blog for years, and finally after much encouragement from my wife, family and friends this is my effort at blogging and telling you what I think looks and tastes good! Along the way I won’t be able to avoid writing a little bit about all the Dad things going on in my life! Usually that will center around my daughters’ soccer team, the Tar Heels, soccer (USMNT, USWNT and professional soccer) and other sports. But it may be what crazy or dumb thing I’ve done lately – from singing my hair on my big green egg, to driving off with my coffee cup on top of my car, or even just pouring a bag of flour on the floor for no apparent reason!! I’d also like to document and share what it takes to get started blogging – not just the go to bluehost and subscribe and then go get a WordPress theme you read about everywhere. I’d like to tell you what it’s like to write and publish a blog. I hope you’ll enjoy it and find some things you love to eat as much as I do and then find a few things to nod your head about or even laugh with or at me about! I look forward to a great ride!
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